Time Block Party!

Monday, 23rd and 30th September 6 - 7.30pm BST (Recording available if you can’t make it live)

A two-part, hands-on workshop series in which you’ll learn to time block your calendar, so you can make space for what matters most.

Tickets cost £50 - £55, with a limited number of free tickets available for those living solely on Universal Credit

Do you ever feel like you have too many things to do and not enough time to do them?*

Do you struggle to find time for the fun stuff? (spending time with your loved ones, looking after your mind and body, being creative, pursuing hobbies, pursuing dreams…you know, the stuff that makes life worth living)

Do you find it hard to make time for rest? (and feel guilty when you do?)

Is this having an impact on your mental health, your relationships, your creativity and/or your work performance?

Have you tried alllll the productivity hacks, but somehow find yourself still drowning in a sea of ‘to-dos’?

*if you do, you’re in good company – research shows over 80% of us feel this way

Here’s the thing - productivity is only one, small part of making time for the things that truly matter.

There’s so much more going on beneath the surface.


Stories you’re telling yourself.

Resistance (sneaky bugger).

Not knowing what you really, truly want.

(Not daring to find out.)

Boundaries (or, rather, lack of them).

Our experience of being time-poor is an inevitable consequence of what’s going on in our inner world.

Productivity hacks are concerned with the outer world.

Er…So why am I teaching you a productivity tool?

Because time blocking is so much more than a productivity tool – its real magic lies not in its use as a ‘hack’, but in its practise.

As a practice, it will teach you more about yourself than you could ever have imagined.

It reveals your inner world by showing you the impact in your outer world.

You’ll learn where you want to spend your time.

You’ll learn where you’re actually spending your time (you might think you know this already. You don’t.)

You’ll learn where you can already set boundaries, and how that can help you to set boundaries elsewhere.

You’ll learn that every time you spend your time, you’re making a choice.

(And that not making a choice is a choice in itself.)

And slowly, surely, your practice will transform your life.

One block at a time.

Tickets cost £50 - £55, with a limited number of free tickets available for those living solely on Universal Credit

Perhaps you’ve thought of trying it before, but the idea of reorganising your calendar intimidates you.

Perhaps you have tried it, but it didn’t work out.

Don’t worry love, I’ve got you.

In this workshop series, I’ll not only teach you about time blocking – we’ll also practice time blocking right there in the workshop, and then come back together to reflect and troubleshoot before practicing some more.

You’ll experiment with spending your time in the way you choose to, instead of being subject to the whims of others.

You’ll come up with your own, bespoke solutions to the things that sabotage you (and the ways in which you sabotage yourself. Because, you know, we do love to do that 🤪).

“I’ve shared your time blocking guide* with everyone I know! It’s completely changed the way I look at and spend my time. I’ve been doing the practice with my whole family and I learned tons about them that I didn’t know before. We’re now spending much more time together, not always anything special, just being really together, you know? And it’s so wonderful, I can’t thank you enough :)”

I’ve already shared everything I know about time blocking in this four-part guide (Part One, Two, Three & Four). So, if you’re happy to do this by yourself, get stuck in!

If you would like to do the process in real-time, with support and in the company of others, read on, because this workshop series is for you!

In Part I – The Party Starter*, you will:

*I can only apologise on behalf of my childish self.

In Part II – The Afterparty**, you will:

** I’m not apologising for this one.

At this point you’ll have all the tools you need to keep time blocking, and to meet any challenges.

I’ll send you away with guide to deepening your practice - using time blocking not as a mere ‘time management’ tool, but as a tool to help you change your life.

A bold claim, I know, and one I stand by.

Tickets cost £50 - £55, with a limited number of free tickets available for those living solely on Universal Credit

I tried LOTS of productivity hacks, but none of them made me feel less stressed or more on top of things (largely because I was using them to Stuff. Yet. More. Stuff. Innnnn...)

And then…I tried TIME BLOCKING! Dah dah DAHHHH! It was BRILLIANT!

(And then it all went to shit.)

And then I came back to it! And I started to learn some pretty confronting I mean, AMAZING things about myself!

(And then it fell by the wayside, because I mean, who has time to time block?)

And then I came back to it, developed a review process to help me make it stick, and….now I’ve been time blocking pretty much continuously for three years. THREE YEARS!!

Why have I invested THREE YEARS in this practice?

Because it works.

And because every single other thing you’re doing to develop yourself and change your life will be grounded in reality by time blocking.

(And reality is…well, a handy place to be 🤣)

If we haven’t met yet, I’m Mia.

I’m a certified wellbeing coach and breathwork practitioner. I’m also an enthusiastic helper, sayer of the word ‘YES!’, and avoider-of-conflict. Which is to say, I spent more years than I’d like to admit trying to squish waaaaayyyyyy too many things into my waking hours, and paying for it with my mental, emotional and physical health (and sleep, because of course, one of my solutions was to simply have MORE WAKING HOURS 😵‍💫).

I was spinning plates, juggling balls AND riding a unicycle, and honestly, my circus skills aren’t that great. Balls and plates EVERYWHERE. And my needs (when I remembered I had them) were always at the back of a very long queue. (Let me know if you ever get to the end of your ‘to-do’ list – I sure as hell never managed it).

Ohhh, and the irony of being conflict-avoidant was that I wouldn’t say ‘no’ to people, so I’d take on too much, and then I’d disappoint them by not being able to deliver on my promises, which would make them cross.

(I wasn’t very smart back then).

Tickets cost £50 - £55, with a limited number of free tickets available for those living solely on Universal Credit.

The Details

What you get:

  • Two super-practical 90-minute zoom workshops (try saying that fast 5 times)

  • Access to the workshop recordings

  • A powerful review process that will help you stick to your practice

  • A guide to deepening your practice after the workshop series is complete

Join our community!

Every week or so I send you a little love letter - perhaps with a story, something to think about, a question to ask yourself, something to try, or a wee gift.

It’s been called “A tiny retreat in my inbox!”

Sound good?